Thursday, November 24, 2016

Being Thankful Is Hard!

Today is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. I love that we get together with family, eat food, and just enjoy each other. Today is a day for looking back at the year and seeing all the good things. And, you know what, this is hard.

It is not always easy to be thankful. Looking back at this year, I have many things to be thankful for, but my heart is not in it this year. Sure, every holiday has been hard since Weston died. I do not believe is what is going on this time. I can see something new this year in myself.

You see to be thankful, truly thankful, a person needs to look at their whole life. You must look back and see all of the good and the bad. Looking back at the bad makes me sad. I try to keep myself seeing the best in everything, being positive is very important. 

So, today as I look back and become a little sad, I will refocus myself on what I am thankful for. I will look toward the good. I will remember the hard times, but only dwell in the good. Thanksgiving will always be a time for remembrance.

Now, I am going to change how I see Thanksgiving. I will always see it as a day to be thankful, but starting this year I am going to see it as a day of hope. Thanksgiving is a day of hope, after looking back, and seeing the good of another year. I challenge you to find new hope this Thanksgiving. Always give thanks and remember the past but move forward toward the hope of tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


Monday, November 14, 2016

It Will Be Here Soon, Feed the Fire 2017

This year has flown by, 2016 seems like a distant memory. It is funny how your memories change with time. I can remember somethings from my youth as clear as can be, but things yesterday are not always so clear. As I sit and reflect on my year, I am surprised at all that has happened. All of the kids seem to have had an explosion of growth this year. We are almost out of diapers, this is a great thing but a little sad. Time marches on ready or not.
November and December always seem to fly by, January and February are a little better for resting. March will mark the third year since Weston passed. March is hard. It is a time to remember him. It is a time to reflect. With March also comes the start of something good, Feed the Fire. Feed the Fire is my favorite thing we do all year. It provide me with a way to channel my grief into something good. It is a way for me to give back, in a small way, to the ones who give so much. 
When Weston was in the hospital, some of my favorite memories involve the firemen. They came and saw him in the hospital, invited us to visit with them, they adopted our family for Christmas, and sent packages from around the world, to help Weston feel the love. On one visit the firemen even set up the ladder truck and visited Weston in his 6th floor room. Talk about seeing a boy light up. When the hospital security guards told them they could not park there, you know what they said, we are here to see Weston. Still brings tears to my eyes.
Feed the Fire is on March 23rd and is our way of saying thank you. Thank you to all the first responders, all the heroes who make a difference everyday, even when they do not know it. Feed the Fire is about doing something nice for someone else. The first year we feed over 100 different places, last year it was over 200 and we went world wide. This year I am going to challenge you, I want to see this grow, 500 is my goal. I know we can do it. We received pictures both years and it is great to see the happiness in everyones eyes on that day.
How can you help?  It is easy on March 23rd, go feed a hero. Feed the Fire is a great chance to visit with your local first responders, tell them thank you. You can bring a hot meal for the day, or supplies to be used as needed. The important thing is that you spread the love that was shown to a little boy in the hospital. Contact your local departments and see what they need. Remember Feed the Fire is coming start planning today!

For more information go to  Feed the Fire on or check it out on Facebook look for more to come out between now and 2017!