Monday, June 1, 2015

Four Years Wow!

Do you know what you where doing four years ago today? I do. We were taking Weston to Philadelphia for the start of a long hard road. If I knew then what I know now, would I have started on this path?   I don't know.

Firs,t you need to know that Weston was having these episode that looked kinda like seizure, but where as we later found out Pulmonary Hypertension crises. These things where scary as heck and no one could tell us what they where or what to do about them. Finally, Julie was able to video one and send it to CHOP.  We had no idea this one video would rock our world and almost break our family up. (I guess it did for awhile but not forever)

Almost immediately we received a call saying we had to come to CHOP or they would not see us anymore. I was kinda pissed at hearing this news. I needed to work to support my family and no one else had been concerned about these episodes before so who does this person think they are. We talk to them and explained the we lived over 530 miles away and could not just come right up. (plus we did have other kids that needed to be watched)

So, on that fateful day June 1, 2011, we made the long trip to Philadelphia, where we made lots of friends and spent over 3 years of our lives. Looking back on the past is always hard. The "if only" always get in my head. I always have to tell myself you can only make a decision once then you have to live with it. I am not saying I would have changed a lot of what we did but you can't help but thing how things could have turned out different.

I guess the big thing to remember is love the ones you love today because tomorrow my never come. It sucks losing Weston but know we did the best we could help us with the pain. CHOP will always hold a special place in my heart, along with all our friend and adopted families. As I think about moving on with my life I just want to say I Love You Weston. As always Hang on, Hang in, and Don't quit.


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