Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Feed The Fire, A Little Thank You

Two years ago today was the hardest day of my life. My heart was broken that day. Weston died on that day. Every since I have had many mixed emotions. Anger has been one feeling. I am not angry at anyone just angry that such a young life was cut short. I also feel sad and morn the loss of a son who will never grow up. I also have feelings of acceptance. I accept that he is healed now and no longer suffering. It is never going to be easy, but......

Now two years later I have some hope. Hope that we have turned something so sad into a way to give back. I am always amazed at the heart of people. I read in the paper and see on the news how the world is just a wreck. People asking "Where are all the good people?" To me on days like today you get to find some of them, they will be the ones giving back to their heroes. They will also be the ones getting feed today. The Firemen, EMS, and Police all put their lives on the line to help others everyday. Today is just one day to say thank you.

So from the bottom of my broken heart THANK YOU. Thank you to all the ones doing the feeding and to all the ones being feed. Thank you for your time and effort. Thank you for making today a little easier. Thank you for help me honor Weston. 

As always Hang on, Hang in, and Don't quit.


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